Shine Wing uses Performance Leader software to execute its talent strategy

Do I recommend Performance Leader to other firms? I have and will continue to do so a number of times and I think it is a great system.


Client objectives

Shine Wing (SW) is a 300-person Australian accounting and advisory firm. Fresh from a strategic realignment and with a new Head of People & Culture (David Meagher) SW sought a technology platform to execute its talent strategy: to ensure consistency of assessment, fairer rewards, aligned goals and partner engagement in people management.

As a former accountant and senior leader in large and mid-sized accounting firms, David was realistic about what could reasonably be asked of partners. He knew that an elegant, user friendly solution would be critical to engage the partners. In making his selection, he put a line through any solution that was clunky or complex.

David also wanted a solution that was easy to adapt and that his team could update. His previous experience was of solutions that required extensive external support, and the expense of time and money whenever a change was requested.

Our collective approach

As a foundation piece, the SW P&C team created a new competency framework in line with its strategic realignment. Working with David and his team, Performance Leader built mid-year and end of year review processes aligned with the new framework and firm values, and with a focus on simplicity, consistency and ease of use.

Engagement was strong at partner and employee levels. It gave the firm the confidence to keep evolving. In subsequent years the objectives module was added to provide a more dynamic approach to setting and updating objectives. Then real-time feedback was added, with a fit for purpose job reviews tool for the audit team. The final product was the result of extensive collaboration between SW and Performance Leader.

Partners also started completing their business plans, mid-year check-ins and end of year reviews through the system. One of the enduring hallmarks of SW’s use of the system has been high compliance and engagement rates. One of the things we’ve noticed about the firm’s use of the system is its extensive use of the analytics and reporting tools, and the skills of its P&C department in this regard.

A clear choice

SW’s success in the talent market has included a strong record in lateral recruitment, strong retention rates, engagement scores and recognition of the firm’s appeal to graduates with SW regularly listed as a top graduate employer.

It’s been a two-way relationship since day one. SW regularly makes great suggestions for product enhancements and is ready and willing to experiment and evolve. Performance Leader has benefitted enormously from this relationship. While our competitors prefer their enterprise software clients to remain still, Performance Leader believes that constant dialogue and evolution will deliver increasing levels of value and engagement.